Interesting slate/clay cliffs on the way to Mt. Cook NP.

Some beautiful mountain views also on the drive to Mt. Cook NP.

As we got close to Mt. Cook NP, it began to rain hard, so we ditched the plans to camp in the park and got an impromptu room at the Hermitage Hotel - very welcome to get clean and have a couple cocktails. Since we were counting on camping already, we cooked dinner outside our room (on a patio, not in a hallway) - ramen, beef and vegetables, with some Starbucks Via coffee. Probably not hotel etiquette, but we were discreet and it fit our backpacker style.
Got a couple pics of the Mt. Cook NP landscape as we were leaving in the morning and the weather started to lift. Bummer that we didn’t see the mountain in it’s glory, but maybe motivation for another visit.