After a night of rest, we woke to explore what we had checked into last night. The bungalow was small but fairly comfortable and had good air conditioning :-). Here is the outside view...

...and a pomegranate tree outside the door.

We walked down to the restaurant where they we serving breakfast and began to understand why they would build such a crazy road to get down here. The beach is only accessible from this road (or boat) and our place Sea Valley Bungalows controls the majority of it.

The food was great (and plenty of it) and the waitstaff were super friendly and helpful. While we ate we watched the people on the beach, noticing a juggler, a few that may have slept there overnight and several just wandering aimlessly...very bohemian feel.
After breakfast we explored a bit, then went back to the room to plan out the rest of our itinerary for the final week in Turkey. Unfortunately the WiFi was a bit jenky and there was no cell service, so internet browsing tested our patience (first world problem, I know).
After getting some plans firmed up, we had lunch then went to the beach to swim, enjoying the water for an hour-ish, then showered and napped :-).
The beach here was a bit of sand and rocks. The sea wasn’t as calm as it was in Antalya, there were more waves and seemed to push and pull us around more.
We didn’t find it as relaxing, we couldn’t get float on our backs, we had to stay alert and work with the waves.
Later in evening we went to check out the section of the Lucian Way trail that ran next to the hotel property, waking across the beach and seeing several backpackers, a guy blasting some music and someone looking like they may be a fire dancer - eclectic to say the least.
The path was mostly well marked, but an intentional turn took us a little off the marked trail and into the Turkish hillside forest. Not finding a clear connecting trail we turned around and got back to where we’d left the trail. Sunset was close so we sat at a bend on the trail to enjoy some of the complementary wine we’d packed along from the Hilton. The views and sunset were worth the walk (at least Don thought so).

On the way back after the sun had set, we got these pics of the hotel’s beach, and heard lots of music/people dancing and celebrating the sunset.

More turtle nests!

We worked our way back to the bungalow and did some reading/writing/Tammy watched a Netflix movie until it was time to sleep...then the techno beat started...and went on until 1:00a. It reminded us of a night at Pacific Crest Trail Days in Cascade Locks - probably awesome for the backpackers & “beach people“ but made us want to cut an extension cord somewhere. 🤬