Landed in Queensland late in the day - took forever to get our luggage (but Jetstar was great for bargain travel). No issues getting though “Biohazard Inspection”, then made our way to get a SIM card from Voda - $60 for 200min/200txts/10GB - then on to find the Orbus from the airport to downtown. Only as we entered the bus did we realize we needed New Zealand currency, and instead ended up convincing the bus driver to take $20 USD rather than $20 NZD (so we paid about $8 too much) a lesson learned.
Stayed at Jucy Snooze - a pseudo-hostel that turned out to be really clean and economical. Jucy has all sorts of services - van, campervan, bus, cruises.

We walked the town at night, had East Indian food for dinner then snuggled in to our super-compact room for the “snooze” part of our day. In the morning, we ate a sausage roll (and lattes) at a little bakery, then headed over to get our car at Apex Rentals.
