An early morning again so we could catch the first boat out to Krka National Park at 8:00a. We had a quick breakfast and coffee in the room the stepped out to get this pic of the place/car and get on our way.

We walked into Skradin and bought the tickets (200 kn ea) in town, then walked to the pier to catch the boat. There were only a few people leaving with us (yay!) as we headed up river into the park (only accessible by boat) we passed some beautiful nature settings and this bridge into town.

Once in the park we were able to walk to many of the very popular sights with only a couple people there, which made the views that much more captivating.

The park permits swimming in its largest waterfall pool (this year is the last they will allow it), so we took advantage of the opportunity. Tammy was worried that the water would be too cold, so Don had to go first.
But we both got in and got this pic. This is extra special, since we inadvertently ended up in a waterfall pool, in a Croatian National Park on...our 29th Anniversary!

Krka N.P. is huge and has several natural sights, including a persevered group of water mills used for grinding grains and washing cloth - this was a cute cafe there.

The cloth washing mill

After driving the backroads for a while, we saw some old Roman ruins and stumbled on these other striking waterfalls...

...and several ruins including this ancient mill...

...and whats left of a Roman military training site

We drove another 90 minutes to our next lodging in Smoljanac near Plitvice N.P., stopping along the way at a restaurant which seemed in the middle of nowhere but was very popular with locals and truck drivers. Just before stopping for lunch, we drove through a sudden thunderstorm and a bolt of lightening struck on the hill next to us, sounding like an immediate explosion!
Finding the apartment was another test of wayfinding when the house addresses are randomly assigned and the roads are not named. After some navigation trial and error, we found ‘Apartman Laura’ and pulled in to find Laura(?) in the yard...who spoke no English. We figured out enough to get checked in to the apartment in the upstairs of the house. Don went to give our passport information to the host and came back with a plate of freshly cooked corn and a decanter of homemade cherry liqueur - very nice.
We actually planned our dinner in advance, making reservations during our lunch stop for a restaurant near Plitvice that served peka style dishes. The food was delicious and the cocktails were even better...yum!

We drove the 10 minutes back to the apartment then had a call with Grace and thought about what the spectacular anniversary we were able to have today.💕